Relax Your Child: Anxiety and Worry


Relax Your Child: Anxiety and Worry



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This album is designed to help children manage their worries and anxieties.

Children imagine they are standing at the top of a mountain, floating on a balloon and creating positive mental pictures. This album aims to develop peace and calm as children are introduced to relaxation and simple anxiety management techniques.

Exercises such as progressive muscle relaxation, visual imagery, mindfulness, positive affirmations and breathing techniques have been used to help reduce stress and anxiety in children. It can be used with children who are struggling with family issues such as divorce and bereavement.

Relaxation strategies have been shown to be extremely effective treatment components for reducing anxiety and worry in children and young people. These tracks can been used to help bring peace and calm as well as provide stress and anxiety management tools. This album can also help children to overcome their fears, anxious thoughts and shyness and so feel more confident and self assured. 

This album can be used at bedtime or before homework or stressful situations, or even designated Chill out times. It can be played on headphones during journeys or trips to hospitals and dentists. It can be used in the classroom before lessons, during Circle-Time or in the run up to exams to help pupils feel less anxious. The album can also be used by speech therapists, social workers, play therapists and therapists.