Relax Your Child: Self-Esteem


Relax Your Child: Self-Esteem



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This album is designed to help your child relax and feel good about themselves.

Confidence boosters such as relaxation, visual imagery, breathing exercises, affirmations, positive self-talk and visualisations are designed to help build a child's self esteem and feeling of self worth.

The tracks can been used to help children feel their own power and help give them strength to improve their behaviour. This album can also help children to overcome their self doubt and self depreciation and so feel more confident and self assure.

Examples include: looking into a magic mirror, appreciating valuable treasure, and looking into a crystal ball.

This album can be used at bedtime or before homework or designated Chill out times. The album can be used in the classroom before lessons, during Circle-Time or in the run up to exams to help pupils focus. The album can also be used by speech therapists, play therapists and therapists.