Autumn Thoughts from S.O.S


Our guest blog comes from Mrs B, at Simply Organised Spaces.

"As we head into September, (by the way it’s my favourite month of the year), my thoughts head towards fresh starts – children head back to school, mums recover from the summer holidays, crisp walks and a Hygge Household to look forward to, and undoubtedly there is stuff everywhere – remnants of summer and an abundance of new things for the Autumn,

So here are some of my best tips to help you stay calm over the coming weeks and months.

  • Have an organisation station – whether you have school aged children or not. Use this to keep your keys, purse, essential handbag items, or your kids school bags, and a list of what is happening when, each week – and a wipe off board, for the weekly updates that need to be remembered. Mine is a unit in the hall – we all have a basket for our essentials, and my handbag and hubby’s laptop bag is stored there. It also holds gloves, hats, scarves, sunglasses, travel essentials, change pot, and key pot.
  • If you lose essential things regularly – like I do – I highly recommend ‘Tile’ - you attach them to your keys, purse, anything you lose sight of a lot – then you either use an app, to find them, or of you have misplaced your phone – you press the button on the tile, and it rings your phone – just brilliant.
  • Start by organising yourself first – pare down your handbag – we always carry too much around, then put your summer clothes in storage, you won’t need them till you go on holiday again.
  • Organise your clothes, and be realistic with this – when you look at your clothes for Autumn and Winter – make sure they fit, and suit you and are still in fashion or are classics you will always wear – any others that are left, get rid of straight away – sell, charity , gift – but don’t hang onto them. Finally sort them into the reasons you wear them – work, school run, going out, gym etc – and then create some simple outfits with the clothes you love – any item that doesn’t go with anything else should also go. This will keep it really easy to get up and get going each day.
  • Finally take time to plan the coming months with your family – ensure you ALL get some quality time – organise events well in advance, and stick to them."

Mrs B, from SOS, offers a bespoke service to help you DeClutter, De-Stress, Re-Style & Re-Organise. All of which leave you more time to do what's important to you.

You can contact her on or give her a call on 07525616144
